Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To bed without a pacifier: Week 1

I've been putting off the pacifier-weaning for a while now, saying John and I don't have the time and energy right now while I'm working and he's going to class and working. This is something I want us to commit to, and have the energy to deal with a possibly cranky and sleep deprived baby. So I decided to wait until we move and let William get used to our new home. Well, it's week 2 in Jax Beach, and William had absolutely no problem adjusting to the new home; he went to sleep as easy as before with just a short story, his stuffed animals, and, of course, his paci. Such a blissful life we've had... do we really need to give it up?

Well I know he's not gonna go to a sleep over at his friends' house and say "Just a sec, Jimmy, lemme get my pacifier." So I guess today's as good as any other...

So I made a little cut in William's pacifier. I didn't think he'd notice, or if he did, he'd just chew on it or toss it aside. Well, I put him to bed at 8:00, and after 15min of wailing, went in to see him sitting in his tears, dispondently holding his pacifier and looking at me as if to say "WHAT did you DO?!" So I pick him up, calm him down, and put him back. After another 15min of screaming, I go back in, pick him up whispering "it's okay," and put him back. Then another 20min of crying, and by 8:55 or so, it's quiet. Sigh... we'll see how this goes...

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